looprevilpress.com - Sensorites single review: Spacemen

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Sensorites single review: Spacemen
Written by Rachael Carpenter

I’ve been listening to the four tracks on this single all day and I’m currently in a state of hypnosis. This is of course positive and I am, in fact, developing a bit of an addiction. I can’t decide which track is my favourite (although I am in love with the A Capella version) but I do know that I want to hear more of Sensorites.
All four tracks have now put me in a trance. The melodic, haunting tones have been washing around my head like it’s some kind of mystical, musical laundrette and they just won’t go away. It reminds me of Ibiza sunrises – trippy yet beautiful, chilled out but with enough going on. In my head I’m on a warm beach after a heavy Balearic night. In reality I’m in a flat in Toxteth surrounded by empty red wine bottles, but the effect is decidedly similar.
There is something almost inspiring about this music that I can’t quite put my finger on; not, of course, like a cheesy Christian youth group chant, but there seems to be something deeper and uplifting coming from within the folky heart. With melodic tones and simple yet incredibly poignant lyrics, –
‘Why we are fighting over bits of land. After dirty money, with our dirty hands’
 the overall effect is unusual and incredibly listenable. This band are sure to be set for great success.
It’s refreshing not to just hear a generic ‘indie’ guitar band, there have been so many of these over-produced and under-talented types jumping around in skinny jeans over the past few years (yawn) and I think we can safely say that ship has sailed. It’s time for something a bit different. This is why I like Sensorites; the vocals share something with all their brilliantly successful northern predecessors, but with some synthy technology and clear raw talent, the effect is haunting, interesting and exciting.
This is an altogether well rounded single and frankly, I can’t get enough of it. The Northern accents, the sound, the freshness, I’m not sure what it is that draws me in but something is working in overdrive and I’m excited to see what Sensorites come up with next.

Buy Sensorites Spacemen here
CD / Vinyl